Sunday, October 30, 2011

Panda Is Sad

Right now the Georgia Tech vs. Clemson homecoming football game is playing, and I can hear the announcer from my open window. It’s also Halloween weekend and most people are dressed up in silly costumes and having a fun time. However, Panda is sitting at home, mourning the departure of a dear friend. 

Dr. Tittens left this morning to return to Germany. After 9 months in the States and only a little more than 2 months knowing me, he managed to have eight people take him out to dinner and the bars last night, and three see him to the airport this morning. Although I have known only him for a little more than 2 months, I have to admit that Dr. Tittens is one of my best friends. I think that has a lot to do with his character; some people just have good overall character and make friends with everybody. Plus a lot to do with this is that we both lived in the same apartment building, so we got to hang out almost every day. 

On a scale from 1 (mild irritation, aka when I run out of Sriracha sauce) to 10 (physical pain/high emotional distress, aka when The Boyf and I “broke up” this summer), I would rank Dr. Titten’s departure as a 7. Usually I am fine with not seeing people for a while because I move a lot, even my best friends. But my friends are all in the US, so even if it’s a few years, we can still keep in touch via Facebook or whatever. This is a really different situation because Dr. Tittens really isn’t in the same field as us (he is a medical doctor and we are in research), and somewhere deep in your heart you know that you will probably never cross paths in life again. I’m sure at some point I’ll be able to visit Germany or whatever country he ends up in, and maybe his kids and my kids can end up being GENERATION II BEST BUDDIES, but for now it seems highly unlikely. I guess I’ll get over it in a few days and hang out with the other best buddies in lab, but it really just won’t be the same without the funny German accent screaming “I know that you are UGLY” to LMFAO. 

I have been trying to console myself, but there is nothing to do. My internet is especially shitty tonight and I can’t even send out an email, The Boyf is away at some Halloween party (no doubt with terrible hair but he is a cowboy so at least the hat will cover it), I finished the last of the ice cream last week already, and to top it all off, there is a cockroach (I say ONE but there are probably more that I am remaining in denial about) in my kitchen that I tried to starve to death last week by not opening the cupboard, but I had to open it tonight to get my Nutella (you KNOW I am eating it right now with a spoon) and the damn bugger crawled right out. Actually, last night I randomly saw a guy with whom I had Chinese class back at Penn State while we were out, so we might end up hanging out tonight if I can pull my wits about me. But really, sitting at home eating Nutella by yourself on a Saturday evening is not the best spirit booster (although still delicious). Even the music on Itunes is starting to get depressing. 

So I decided to write this blog post to make me feel better! I know I haven’t updated for a few weeks, which is usually the case. But now that Dr. Tittens is gone, I have much more time to myself and therefore am back on the productivity scale. Let’s recap!

Previously I had been going on about getting my belly button pierced. Well…I finally did it! BY MYSELF! Holla back HARDCORE PANDA! And as predicted, I knew that no one would believe me. So here is video documentation. For real.

And also, my panda ring came in! I know I’m supposed to wait 6 months before changing the original piercing ring, but then again I DID pierce myself. So it was likely that I put the panda piercing in less than 10 days after the piercing. There was some swelling at the beginning, but luckily I am a HARDY PANDA and my body quickly recovered. Here, my tribute to Dr. Titten! The joke is that he is old enough to be my grandpa. Then when I have kids, he will be the crazy uncle running around, aka Papi Deustch! The ring is SO AMAZING. The bottom part is only partly attached to the head of the panda, so when I walk the bottom JIGGLES! SO. CUTE. 

Exhibit A: Panda on Panda!
Exhibit B: Panda Belly centered
Exhibit C: Panda Belly Jiggled! (the line was from my pants)

Alright, I am back! So I did find something to occupy me after all. Playing music always makes me feel better. Here’s a cover of “Domino”, originally by Jessie J, now by PANDA! It took me forever to figure out why I look retarded in most of my Youtube videos. It’s because I’m look down when I should be looking straight at the screen. Anyway, it should be good now. I wish I had a piano because it would be better for certain songs. But once I move out of here I’ll get a nice upright. 

Also I put in some chicken to cook! I had gotten a bulk pack of chicken two weeks ago and had it in the freezer. So I put some seasoning on it and it’s been cooking for an hour. But forgetful me, I didn’t get up to stir it and the sugar coagulated on the bottom and started to burn the pot. So I resimmered it with more water and now it’s good again. Now I am making rice to go with it. 

Food is done! Bulk packaged and ready to go to lab tomorrow morning. I am feeding cells with another best buddy at 10am, so I’ll have to make the 9am church I should probably stay in tonight. Although I did had a FANTAZMO nap earlier so I feel way better. 

Happy early Halloween! I bought an “Alice in Wonderland’ costume online but don’t think I’ll be wearing it this year, although “the night is still young”. But my REALLY COOL costume is coming on Monday…I don’t want to ruin the surprise by showing you now, so I will try my best to post a picture of it on Monday when I wear it.

Okay little cheese curls! I feel much better now. Thanks for listening to me moping. I’ll get back to work now! And hopefully I’ll get some ice cream tomorrow in case I start feeling sad again.

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