Sunday, December 4, 2011

Panda is "B"sian

Instead of replying to my regular email correspondence with Coral Diver, I have decided to FINALLY update this damn thing. It seems that every time I promise to update "soon", it ends up being taking even longer than my usual update time. Part of the reason is because I get lazy: I have started reserving all work for the lab, so that when I go home, I tend to vegetate and eventually succumbing to ingesting alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, as a graduate student the WORK NEVER ENDS. In trying to keep my work-home life separate, I have started to spend approximately 12-14 hours PER WEEKDAY in lab, and about 6-8 hours per weekend day. It's nice to be braindead when I return to the apartment, but at some point my office chair is going to start growing mold from the constant warmth emanating from my butt. Anyway, I am here now. So let's start with some very exciting news:

THE BOYF WILL BE MOVING TO HOTLANTA! We have been dating for 5 years, 4 of which have been distance. And as you probably know, 2 years where I have considered calling it quits (and 1 time where we did, but luckily we are back together). Somehow, though, we made it. The Boyf just received his job offer on Friday afternoon, and he will be accepting on Monday morning! Once things are finalized, he finish his last semester of school and move down in mid-January. However, I am a bit confused as to where our relationship stands. Now that he is actually moving to Atlanta, we still won't be living together. His best friend Danto is also working in the same company, so they want to be roommates. Although The Boyf and I agreed on living separately, part of my is still pissed about having to continue to pay full rent while Danto and The Boyf can subsidize each other. Oh, but socially, you mean? That's fine. 4 years of distance should probably be mended slowly. It might be better to see each other mostly on the weekend, then move in together when we both decide that the time is right. If things don't work out, he still has a sweet job and I am still at an awesome school (unless I don't pass qualifying exams).

I HAVE A PLAN FOR MY FIRST PAPER! Dr. Zebra is in town again, and my meeting with him yesterday went smoothly. At the time, I thought things were very clear. In hindsight, I have no idea what is going on and what the plan is for my first paper. However, the holiday party is this Friday at Dr. Barbie's hizzouse, and I am hoping that I can acquire a very aesthetically displeasing sweater for the event in order to throw off Dr. Zebra from my social antics. Apparently upper management is not amused with my jokes. So for the next unspecified period of time, I will have to remain boring and nondescript. Usually things turn around once everyone realizes I'm not a bimbo (OR AM I). For the time being, I can still express myself online (OR CAN I). And at least winter break is coming up and classes are ending, so I'll be able to have some time to enjoy myself (OR WILL I). I guess the point here is that nothing is certain in grad school, and I would really like some ice cream.

THERE IS A COCKROACH IN MY CEREAL! About three weeks ago I started seeing an increased number of cockroaches in my kitchen. I called pest control twice, bought two cans of raid and still have yet to set off my three fumigator bombs. I stopped cooking and started eating cereal. Unfortunately, I did not expect a cockroach to crawl out of my cereal box. So basically I haven't entered my kitchen within the past two weeks. Yesterday I cleaned out my entire fridge of rotting food, and gave most of my pantry items to my lab and apartment neighbor. And lo and behold, when I threw out my cereal, the damn cockroach was still crawling around INSIDE THE BAG. I am hoping the problem is getting better since I haven't seen any more cockroaches crawling around (although I hardly enter the kitchen anyway) and hopefully the removal of the food will keep the roaches away. I am also armed with RAID anytime I enter the kitchen. Anyway, the apartment lease ends in May so I am actively looking for roach-free locations to live. If you have suggestions, let me know!

IT IS STILL WARM IN ATLANTA! One of the great things about living in the South, besides the nicer people, is that the weather is fantastic. It is already December, but it was 70 degrees as I was walking to campus this afternoon. I am so unused to this weather, but it is still amazing. I'll be going home for one week for the holidays, and although it will be cold, at least it will feel more familiar than this Twilight zone weather.

I AM A "B"SIAN, NOT AN ASIAN! I believe the minimum GPA requirement for taking my qualifying exams in May is a 3.0, which means all B's. As you may recall, most Asian parents are crazo (not a typo) about their kids getting perfect grades. This semester, I will most likely be getting all B's, as long as I don't fail my mass transfer course, in which case, I am going to quit the program and join the traveling circus as the "black sheep Asian". Hopefully I will pass all my classes, but it won't be with flying colors. Although research is the main priority, I still have to get through the program first. And Dr. Zebra and Dr. Barbie prefer students with better grades. At least Padre doesn't know a lick about graduate school and isn't breathing down my back anymore about studying (a typical phone conversation: "hello? where are you? are you in the library? are you studying? did you eat yet? can you call the phone company because there is an extra $5 charge on my statement this month? is my email account KMAIL OR GMAIL [disclaimer: THIS WAS A REAL QUESTION]?). Today I finished my last exam for my biology course (remember "Block 0"?). I have a paper due next week, then one final in my management course and one final for my mass transfer course.

Until then, I'll be studying in lab! Wish me luck! And wish the The Boyf congratulations (now if I can ever get him to read my blog...)!

1 comment:

  1. :D This is so funny Alice, I kept grinning through the entire post. I want to read the other posts too now!


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