Thursday, July 28, 2011

Panda Enjoys A Day Off

Now that things are finally (or at least starting to be) in place, my stress levels are down 90%. Padre has also been on a shopping high, of which I completely approve. Although I no longer need to run off my frustration, I felt like it would still be healthier if I got in at least a tad bit of exercise, especially since I woke up at a decent hour (9:45am is decent for summer). Two laps in the park later, I took a shower and ended up at the restaurant for a very short 2 hour shift.

Yesterday Padre and Hair went to Bass in hopes of getting a pair of flip flops for Hair that Padre had already purchased previously over the weekend. However, the Bass outlet didn’t open until 9:30am, so we headed toward the other outlet center that opened at 9:00am. Per my suggestion, we ended up at Kenneth Cole, where we used a 20% off coupon + $10 off text coupon to buy the SAME pair of flip flops for a whopping $3.79.

Not surprisingly, Padre and I returned again to get two more pairs of flip flops. We got a nice jacket at Calvin Klein (too big for me, to my dismay, so Padre will give it to a family friend) and a pair of khakis at Nautica. Summer sales are truly incredible right now – I suppose everyone just got used to the sales during the recession and they haven’t gone away. So tomorrow, we shall go back AGAIN! And I’ll update you on more of the hauls as we return.

Upon my return, I had a bite to eat and then returned home to study the dreaded BLOCK 0. As of now, I have gotten through 58/230ish pages of reading, not counting any problem sets. I am hoping to get through all of the reading by next Monday, and the problems completed by next Thursday. Online quizzes should be done by Saturday when I leave. And that should leave me enough time to get settled in my new Hotlanta apartment.

News from The Khan suggests that I and a colleague turn in a manuscript for journal publication…which means more formatting (blech). So if I get ahead of my reading schedule tomorrow (it’s Friday and the restaurant will be busy so this probably won’t happen until the weekend), I will work on that. Goal is to have it reformatted by Monday as well. 

Big K’s ticket as also booked, thanks to my credit card and Padre’s reimbursement (credit for me, less hassle for Padre, free ticket for Big K – everyone wins). On August 9, Padre leaves and Big K arrives in Atlanta! I’ll most likely be frantically trying to finish BLOCK 0 before the precourse starts on the 10th

The Boyf has finally decided to update his LinkedIn account, which I suggested to him to do approximately two years ago. We are now having the BATTLE OF LINKEDIN, where we race to see who has more LinkedIn contacts (I do) and who will be more successful (I will) and who is more good looking (this doesn’t really relate but I am). 

Dumplings for dinner! Also, today I had two bottles of honey water…a new discovery, thanks to Hair! Basically just dump honey from the Costco-sized jar into a cold water bottle, shake and enjoy! Refreshing and diabetes inducing, this is just the right drink for summer! Try it with a shot of insulin today!

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