Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Panda (tentatively) Survives the Semester

Hello my dear little cheese curls! I have finally lived to see the day when I'd have time (or patience) to update my blog yet again! I finished my finals on Thursday of last week. The weekend was a blur due to my celebratory festivities, although I will try my best to recap the highlights. Although this week should be my most productive in lab since I don't have any classes, the equipment I need to use is currently down, and I have no estimate as to when it will be usable again. Thus, I am stuck at my desk, trying my best to concentrate on reading papers and The Economist. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) I have decided instead to update my blog! Usually I reserve non-school/lab work to be completed outside of the 9-5 block of time, but as of late I have just been going home and making Youtube videos instead.

To curb this inefficiency in the abode, I have decided to force myself to complete work RIGHT THIS SECOND as I sit here, otherwise I will be tempted to go on Facebook, which is another no-no between 9-5. Plus, my efficiency has risen dramatically over the past month or so, so I deserve a break to write this.

This is certainly an improvement from my first summary of negative efficiency some time ago.
Also, about a month ago I washed my Ipod nano that I received for Christmas from The Boyf several years ago. It has served me well; but alas, I had to be an incompetent fool and forget to check my jacket pockets before throwing it into the washer. And of course, the Ipod has not worked since then, even though I have been plugging it in every day to check if it charges. I stopped trying altogether about a week ago because I am hanging on the verge of hopelessness, although I did have a dream last night that it ended up charging. Let me try it now...

Nope. I'm screwed.

And because I am so stubborn, I refuse to buy a replacement Ipod. Perhaps I will take this to the Apple store and claim software malfunction. I never thought I would be able to survive without listening to music on my walk to and from school every day, but I have before and I am starting to get used to it again. Although sometimes I do really miss it, it is nice listening to the sounds of REAL LIFE: birds chirping, cars beeping, the garbage truck, drunk people at happy hour, some homeless guy asking me for money...I digress. And I think I really miss listening to music. Usually I go on Billboard 100 to stay up to date with and download new music, but I have just been so busy lately that I haven't had time to do that. With 4 classes and even a minimal amount of labwork, I still manage to find myself sitting in lab 10-12 hours a day, and also on the weekends. At least it is better now, since I no longer have classes. And this weekend I finally went out, which was a good way to wind down after a crazy semester. Anyway, I am in love with this "Good Feeling" song by Flo Rida, which is apparently originally from Avicii, but it really THE BEST remixed by Skrillex. LISTEN TO IT. NOW. I am. And I keep having to resist the urge and start flinging my body around in the vicinity near my desk. The poor Muslim lady sitting next to really has to put up with a lot, although she reminds me a lot of Yashmak, my roommate from college, and I really like them both. 

On to the weekend! On Friday, we had "Girls Night" at one of our labmates' house. I highlight the title because it was not completely accurate. Although almost all the attendees were female, Papa Ray was also invited to "babysit" her son, although we all know better. Every woman in our lab, single or not, is vying for Papa Ray's hand in marriage because not only is he a great guy, he is well educated, a mean chef, and is really good with kids. And somehow STILL single...ah, the perks of academia... So on Friday, we had delicious homemade Korean food. Then a few of us met up with a few others, and went to the CLERMONT LOUNGE! It is a strip bar for old people - as in the strippers are old, not the crowd. We talked to "Porscha", a 65 year old stripper who has two children, aged 25 and 40, and offered to give one of our guy friends a lap dance. We politely refused as he ran to the bathroom to throw up. But in all seriousness, it was actually a very fun time and the people were very chill. The best highlight of the night was the CRUSHING OF THE BEER CAN IN BETWEEN A STRIPPER'S BUTTCHEEKS! Yes, I never thought I would type that sentence either. But believe me, once you've seen the sight, you will always be hungering for more. I have also heard that one of the strippers ("Blondie"?)  crushes the can in between her breasts. So glorious. Afterwards, we were so enthralled that we ordered a dozen doughnuts from Krispy Kreme.

The next day, I had to finish some work in the lab (surprise, surprise). But I also managed to sneak some time in to visit the local doughnut shop with two other friends in lab (do the doughnuts ever end, you ask? "the answer is nooooooo..."). Although they didn't have penis doughnuts, the selection was otherwise great and very delicious. In the afternoon, I headed over to the opposing lab's Kario Mart party, which is basically Mario Kart but with drinking. Although I was the only non-lab member present that also was not someone's significant other (um, awkward turtle?), it actually wasn't too turtle (yes, I just said that). We had a lot of fun and went to dinner at a pizza place nearby. On Saturday night, a bunch of us went to Opera, a nightclub in the area. I am not sure what the deal is with nightclub/bars that are named after random things, like Church, which is a bar but often gets mistaken for a CHURCH because, well, you know...turtle. 

Anyway, we parked to go to Opera in a $3 lot after much debate and evasion of the $10, then $5 lots. I kept opting for free street parking, but was overturned by a vote of 4-1. It turned out that we didn't have $3 in cash between the 5 of us. So we just left and figured we would come back afterwards and pay, or not pay (probably the latter). However, when we came back roughly 4 hours later, there was A BOOT ON OUR CAR. Which cost $75 to get off! In retrospect, we should have just googled "how to get a boot of your car" and found out that all you have to do is deflate your tire and it slips right off, but of course we were being ignorant fools. I'm still pissed about the situation, although I suppose it was our own faults for not paying. BUT STILL. Apparently there is a "real life superhero" in England called the Angle-Grinder Man that goes around cutting boots off people's cars. Because I'm slightly less apt with heavy machinery, I am considering just handing out print-outs of the previous website so that other people with boots can get rid of them without having to pay the ridiculous fine. 

But talking about real-life superheros, THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO movie is being released TOMORROW!!! 

Last summer, I read all three of the books in the trilogy by Swedish author Stieg Larsson. Then I saw all three of the Swedish movies. I even went as Lisbeth Salander for Halloween. Now the movies are being remade in Hollywood, and I CANNOT wait to watch them! As of today, the wallpaper on both of my computers are of a tattooed Rooney Mara. 

She is so badass.
I've posted this on Facebook and may or may not pass out before I make it to the theater to watch the premiere. It's even got a 90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which you KNOW is near impossible (Fine, it is 85% now, but as of last night it was still 90%, and I'm sure it will go back up! Haters gon' hate...). I think I'll have to wait to see it with The Boyf when I go home after Friday, so I don't know how I'm going to contain my excitement until then. 

This week, apart from the dreadful wait for the contact angle machine to go back up, is filled with exciting things! Tomorrow I am going to see the Atlanta Ballet's The Nutcracker, showing at the Fox Theater right next to my place. Then Thursday night I am going to the Atlanta Brewing Company to finally use my Groupon. Then Friday night I am going HOME! So home. In college I hated going home. But now that I've finally told Padre about The Boyf, he is finally giving me a bit more freedom and it's actually nice to go home now. Also, today at 6pm I find out if I passed MASS TRANSFER (passing with a B, that is - still reminiscing over the days when I could get by with a D in fluids). So wish me luck! 

I just received an email that the contact angle machine should be back up soon. EL KHEMDULLILAH! (I know it's spelled wrong, deal with it). 

Happy holidays! More updates to come soon (hopefully)...

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Say something, FOOL!