Alright, so I need to get this post in for the month of March so I can keep my New Year's resolution (I'm counting the second post from January as one for February; deal with it).
Although I am partly to blame, most of the lag comes from The Boyf, who is highly superstitious and likes to wait until everything is perfect to release any details. I suppose it pays off, though, because just secured a position at McKinsey and Co.! My only question is, who is the Co.? Is it like Colin Powell, or Colonel Sanders? Because it's a consulting company, and fried chicken is delicious. Ah, it stands for "company", you say? It all makes sense now...
So now that The Boyf is going to be making pretend beaucoup bucks (apparently the benefits are worth more than the salary itself there), he has moved on to greener pastures and will be moving (away from me!) to another apartment uptown. Ho hum. The good news is that I've also found a roommate from my lab that will live with me in Richmond! I've got my heart set on an apartment right now, but I'm having The Boyf scout it out on his way home (from vacation, another thing I've waved bye bye to long ago) to make sure we won't die in the ghetto ("I've made a huge mistake,", G.O.B.)
And what other term would summarize my life than "March Madness", for I will be proposing in exactly one week from today! Due to the time difference between here and China (where one of my committee members will be groggily waking up), I will be having my proposal at 7pm. I've gotten a lot of crap for it, but the 7am slot was already taken by another lab member and plus I'll be providing dinner, so just be happy that you didn't have to dumpster dive at Panera (HELLO RICHMOND). Apparently there is a Panera Bread right near campus in Richmond so I'll be able to try my old, experienced, bacteria-covered hand at finding stale bagels in the dumpster. College; what fond memories.
I also filled out my bracket today for the spring basketball fling, even though I know nothing about sports. As of 5pm today, I wasn't doing too shabby. This makes me realize that men's hobbies, i.e. sports, are much better at creating camaraderie than women's hobbies, i.e. men. Most women only aim to please other men, and this creates weird tension between females that only age can resolve because everyone turns flabby and realizes they would rather just own a pet instead of deal with a relationship. Men, however, have SPORTS, the shining gold star in the dreary night sky that is life. For something like March Madness, there is fun competition that doesn't require an expensive wardrobe or perfect hair. I had a lot of fun just choosing random teams without any prior knowledge. I seriously think women need to go back to cooking, just so they have a common hobby that's shareable without creating contention amongst themselves.
Your boyf sounds sriracha underpants.